2022 was strengthen the healthTech industry with breakthrough discoveries and innovations.
As we had articles concerning the medical and health-tech trends here again a collection update of the key technology trends and transformations expected in the world of medicine.
The general focus is on improving quality of processes and procedures, affordability of healthcare services, new and enhanced intelligent medical devices, and predicting and preventing diseases instead of treating them at advanced stages.
Here a collection of trends we see:
➡️ Improving patient service quality and affordability:
- New AI Applications
- Concerns of the Medical Community
- Integration of Healthcare Systems with Big Data
- Strong patient-provider relation for Patient’s Benefit
- Universal Telehealth
- Social recognition of health gain value
- Consumerism in the Medical Market
- medical supply in rural areas
➡️ new and enhanced intelligent medical devices
- Nanomedicine and robots
- Surgical robotics and environment digitalisation
- Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
- wireless connected devices
- Smart Implants
- VR, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in Healthcare
- more intelligent wearables
➡️ Safer, secure, and connected health-tech systems
- Data Breach Prevention
- Interoperability and Data Sharing Among Healthcare Entities
- Precision Medicine Will Force Out the One-Size-Fits-All Approach
- Improved and global synchronised regulation and standards
- Digital (pandemy) networks system between doctors, hospitals, pharma and health institutions
➡️ Prevention and prediction
- Overcoming Mental Health Challenges with Telepsychiatry
- Big Data and Analytics to Support Disease Prevention
- Annuity Reimbursement will be Introduced to Support Gene Therapy Projects
- The environmental impact on health is getting more attention
- Social and mental health connected with physical health is more recognized
➡️ Healthtech Business
- More digital health unicorns will exit via IPO
- HealthTech profits from the merging of interests of Tech Companies and Healthcare Institutions
- These Tech companies which are focusing on product quality, innovation, and processes have been growing and will prosper
So all in all a good progress in these topics and a positive foresight to 2023. Some of these trends we had covered already detailed in former Industry updates, some we will cover in future articles.
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