

HealthTech Industry Update | Femtech Innovation on Postpartum Depression (PPD) 

Kurt Neubauer

Kurt Neubauer

What is PPD: Though most new moms recover and begin to adjust to motherhood within a couple of months, up to 1 in 3 will also struggle with postpartum depression.

Giving birth is undoubtedly one of the most natural of all physiological experiences and many moms struggle with postpartum depression and its effects leave many lingering physical and psychological footprints on new mothers’ lives. 

Quite different from the transient “baby blues,” PPD can last for months. PPD has been a recognized and stigmatized, possibility during the so-called “fourth trimester of pregnancy” for generations.

⚕️Now it is being firmly addressed through Femtech innovations⚕️.

About Femtech first 

Women are being heard like never before, and it is absolutely incredible. The #MeToo movement has created a domino effect of sorts, as company policies that address women’s needs and long-shuttered opportunities for women are increasingly flooding into the mainstream. That includes the tech world, where a newfound emphasis and expectation on coding, software development, and entrepreneurship has been placed on aspiring women.

Not only are women being welcomed into the industry, but they’re also suddenly at the forefront of creating technology that serves and benefits them.

Femtech — apps, devices, services, and other products that focus on women’s health and wellness — is becoming a key player in tech discussions. Femtech ideas have received more than $1 billion in funding between 2015 and 2018, and the industry is poised to become a $50 billion market as soon as 2025, according to a 2018 report by Frost & Sullivan.

Investment in Femtech is certainly growing, but it’s at a shockingly slow pace, considering its potential. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cleared more and more femtech applications and products over the past few years, so companies are definitely aware of the buying power of women. However, companies and funders need to recognize the growing power and potential of this new growing category, too.

(, Femtech Is Becoming More Influential. But Is the Market Healthy?)

About Postpartum Depression (PPD) which is now being firmly addressed through femtech innovations. 

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of depression that happens after someone gives birth.

After childbirth, a dramatic drop in the hormones estrogen and progesterone in your body may contribute to postpartum depression. Other hormones produced by your thyroid gland also may drop sharply, which can leave you feeling tired, sluggish and depressed.

Postpartum depression doesn’t just affect the birthing person. It can affect surrogates and adoptive parents, too. People experience hormonal, physical, emotional, financial and social changes after having a baby.

Here some overview and risks:

🧑‍🍼 PPD affects 1 in 9 women

🧑‍🍼 PPD can last for months

🧑‍🍼 Other medical conditions often reflecting pre-existing illnesses, infection or sepsis.

🧑‍🍼 Excessive bleeding after giving birth (hemorrhage)

🧑‍🍼 A disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for your heart to pump blood to the rest of your body (cardiomyopathy)

🧑‍🍼PPD with Femtech health solutions improve mothers situations

Femtech Innovation Application Examples :

➡️️ She Matters platform, which makes talk therapy more accessible (and budget-friendly) for Black moms as according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the mortality rate is almost three times the rate for White women.

➡️  Poppy Seed, empowers women, especially marginalised women, diagnosed with (or with suspected) PPD to take charge of mapping their postpartum care plan and feel more in control in a new and important time of their lives. Poppy Seed provides on-demand and chat-based pregnancy, postpartum, and loss support. 

➡️️ LactApp and MyLee focus on the postpartum and lactation needs of new parents. Both are app-based solutions set up to help mothers gain a deeper understanding of how they’re lactating.

Femtech: Birthing breakthroughs for new moms

Healthcare is challenging to navigate under the best of circumstances. But when you have a new crying baby at home and are managing new mental health and physical challenges, it is completely exacerbated. 

With Femtech health solutions, mothers have more avenues to improve their situations during the postpartum period and can hopefully start to recognize that they are not alone!  💪

Here the whole article by MedCity News:

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