

HealthTech Industry Update | Patients Report Better Telehealth Experiences Than Providers

Kurt Neubauer

Kurt Neubauer

In some Industry Updates we focused on Digital Healthcare Trends for patient treatment and Medtech integration with healthcare workflows which are clearly ongoing and a big future trend. Today we have a look about the past, how the patient sees the use of telehealth.

Patient experience with telehealth appears to be better than provider experience. E.g. only 15 percent of patients claimed that obtaining expected care was difficult, compared to the 58 percent of providers that reported difficulty when examining patients via telehealth.

Only 30 percent of patients said that they or their provider experienced technical issues during a virtual visit, compared with 58 percent of providers.

➡️ many patients and providers continue seeing benefits to telehealth

➡️ patients stated they think they will end up participating in both in-person and virtual care

➡️️ providers agreed the future of healthcare will include both, virtual and physical visit

➡️️ the care modality allowed the providers to care for more patients

➡️ telehealth has given providers an expanded view into their patients’ lives which is helpful e.g. for mental health professionals

➡️ providers must continue to gather telehealth information regarding patient behaviours

Patients’ characteristics play a more vital role than provider characteristics in determining telehealth use.

These characteristics relate to ethnicity, insurance status, and location of residency.

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