

HealthTech Knowledge | What is Quadruple Aim ?

Kurt Neubauer

Kurt Neubauer

The problem

Additional demands on physicians frequently come without an increase in time or resources, and often, though perhaps unintentionally, at the expense of what physicians cite as the most meaningful aspect of medicine: the doctor-patient relationship.

🏥Health care organisations have faced increasing pressure due to:

➡️ declining reimbursements, 

➡️ increasing burden of quality reporting, 

➡️ electronic health record requirements, 

➡️ prior authorization and a 

➡️ national shortage of nurses and physicians. 

Reacting to these external challenges, organisations have reflexively increased productivity expectations for physicians. 

Quadruple Aim 

It is a framework for Achieving Value-based Care to solve the current situation :

➡️️ enhancing patient experience

➡️ improving population health

➡️️ reducing costs

➡️️ work life of healthcare personnel

Quadruple Aim is the expansion of the Triple Aim to include an additional goal concerning the health care providers to improve the healthcare processes and tools to overcome pressure and improve effectiveness and patients comfort and health

By putting the patients in the centre of care, extended measures and data collection and interpretation by using new technology like Artificial Intelligence the research projects with focus on these 4 goals are ongoing. 

With the results of these projects many  innovative solutions and as well new business models will be created the implementation of the new Quadruple Aim systems in healthcare will be possible and successful implementation and execution can take place 💪

Here the basics by EBSCO :

Here some insight by Objectivity:

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