

Positive changes in Thaumatec – Check out what’s new!



Marketing manager

1) New office
2017 was an amazing year for us – full of new customers, new employees and new amazing challenges. Because of our rocket growth, our outstanding office started to be too small for us. That’s why we decided to open another office in Wroclaw, really close to the previous one but in totally different style. We moved there some of our teams and they immediately started to call it “Paris” – when you will look at pictures, definitely you will know why! So from now, when you decide to work in Thaumatec, you will have a choice to work in our park villa or…in Paris!

2) New website
After few months of work, finally, we can show you our new website. For a long time, we had the feeling that our previous website doesn’t present what kind of company we really are. That’s why we prepared new one – modern, clean and very personalized. Now you can find there a lot more information about everyday life in our company.

3) New positions
Our new website and new office are great possibilities to open new positions. If you are interested in changing your life in 2018, why not to start from changing your job? Currently, we are looking for a wide range of professionals – DevOps, Embedded Software Testers and Developers etc. You can find all of them here.

We hope that next year, will be also as exciting as previous one and because it’s probably our last update we want to wish you exactly the same – more exciting projects, thousands lines of clean code and new interesting gadgets every day!

read case studies

Smart healthcare

​Smart healthcare is one of the toughest but also fastest growing industries. A Silicon Valley start-up with a strong background in medical surgery and Thaumatec…
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Smart streetlight system

The City of Amsterdam has been very actively engaged in smart city development. Upgrading the street lighting infrastructure with new technology was high on the…
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Mobile LoRa gateway

Thaumatec built the solar-powered Lora Gateway because we believe, that this device can solve a lot of global problems and help many businesses.
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Wrocław the smart(est) city

Thaumatec has a strong partnership with top-class universities like Wrocław University of Technology and Science and the most respected business networks like DSP Valley from…
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Smart robot for elderly care

​AI is the most exciting field ever, especially since the creation of robots. Thaumatec was lucky (and qualified) to be assigned to work on a…
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Smart sleep tracker

The consequences of sleeping deprivation can affect many, so a solution was formed for this problem and Thaumatec helped in the making. Read our story…
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LoRa Communication Module for Drones

LoRa communication module for drones Lora is one of the most promising IoT technologies that deliver communication for areas where availability of power grid is…
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Biometric identity

Biometric identity products deliver effortless, fast, and highly accurate biometric enrollment and identification. Designed for high throughput identification and verification, in other words, these products…
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Smart security system

Hago Next, a cleaning company that provides services to public places like train stops, was searching for the ideal partner to provide them with IoT…
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