

Monika Gorzelak joined Thaumatec to lead our recruitment activities



Marketing manager

Team of Thaumatec is growing fast – we didn’t share this secret before, but it’s possible thanks to the new member of our team! Monika Gorzelak joined our company a few months ago and she is responsible for all our recruitment processes.

One of the biggest reasons for hiring Monika was the fact that she believes in exactly the same values as our company. Together, we are sure that we can achieve the best results when we invest time and energy in developing our natural talents. As Monika, we are big fans of open communication and building companies and it’s internal rules on values.

For the last 8 years, Monika was doing HR in IT. She was responsible for recruiting candidates who best match the company’s needs and values, helping them grow and taking care of a safe and friendly environment to work. She is a mother of two almost grown-up kids and one crazy dog Ludwik 😉

Monika in Thaumatec will be a guardian of our internal, HR-related rules:

  • Mentoring and development – It is very important for us to support each employee with the individual development plan. Plus mentoring from seniors and professors from friendly universities.
  • Trust – Trust is a big value within Thaumatec. We are not policing the company, making sure everybody is at work on time, cleans up after themselves, and gives their best every day. We just trust in that.
  • Commitment – A commitment to the success of our customer’s project and business, commitment to the team effort, success and well-being and  to society
  • Relationship – Honesty, openness and pursuit of an authentic consensus as a foundation for building relationships between the brand and employees, partners and clients

We’ve asked her what her impressions are after two months.

Why did you decide to join Thaumatec?

There were two general reasons: First, I wanted to join a smart and fast-growing medium size company, because I wanted to use my previous experience in new processes. Second, I was looking for a place where people are involved in interesting and valuable projects

I have to admit, I have been very much impressed after the interview with the way of thinking and solving problems of my potential colleagues! 🙂

And what does it look like after two months?

I’m still impressed! When I’m talking to developers and testers they all are happy with projects they are involved in. They are taking part in creating, for example, medical solutions which definitely help people, or they work on security solutions which are the safest tools in the world.

Within the management board, we inspire each other, working with such experienced people cause we are able to work smooth and fast, doing proper things at the proper time.

To summarize – it was a very good decision!

What is the biggest plus of joining a smaller company?

You can have a real influence on shaping the strategy and daily activities of the company. You know all the people and they know you, they can trust you and you can trust them. You are working with a smaller amount of processes and they are only designed to make your work easier, not to complicate it. Thaumatec is definitely not the corporation. 

I can be engaged in many different projects – starting from recruitment, through employer branding and development, to end in managing the new office. 

For me, it’s a very interesting, fresh experience, every day something new is happening. 

Is it hard?

Not so, I’m still living my honeymoon! Everything is happening fast, every day is very intense, I need to switch from topic to topic and this makes me very excited. 

Why should people join Thaumatec?

If you like working in smaller companies, you enjoy the fact of having an influence on the business and fast changes – it’s definitely a place for you.

We care about openness, if something is wrong we discuss it immediately. We like creativeness, so it’s definitely a great place for you if you like to think outside the box! 

 If you want to meet Monika in person, we are currently recruiting people for positions of:

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